“Drink in the beauty, and think and wonder at the meaning of what you see.”

- Rachel Carson, "Help your child to wonder," Woman's Home Companion, 1956


The Springsong Museum logo design is based on one square inch of endpaper artwork, attributed to Carson colleague Shirley Briggs, which enclosed the Audubon Naturalist Society's** quarterly publications. As an active member and Board member, Carson was a long-time editor of this Atlantic Naturalist and its predecessor The Wood Thrush, where she oversaw articles covering some of the most critical regional ecology and conservation topics of the day.

To us, the image illustrates the physical location of the museum at Burnt Mills, which sits on Nacotchtank land, where moving water and ancient boulders meet at the geologic "fall line." Just as important, the logo represents Rachel Carson's genius as one that combined science and literature into something both wonder-filled and wholly impactful. Some may also see a shape of a bird: a nod to the birds of prey that are once again nearly ubiquitous in our region, thanks to the reduction in use of DDT that followed Carson's heroic exposé. 

** ANS is now named Nature Forward.